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Ensuring Child Growth

Creating the best learning environment for the growth of your child.

Home For Your Child

Providing the perfect home for an enjoyable learning venture.

Learn with Quality

Creating the best quality and fun filled learning experience.

Our Events

Our Preschool News & Updates

About New Era Preschool

Our preschool and foundation education allows our students to learn the basics of education, knowledge, and skills. Our safe and nurturing environment is at the heart of our academic effort. We ensure an atmosphere of growth for having happy children through caring and supportive teachers, engaging programs, exceptional facilities, all working together to create an extraordinary place for young children to learn and grow. Our beautiful campus has an art room, exploration patio, large ventilated classrooms, music and movement room, suitable outdoor and indoor play spaces, resource room, reading area; dolls play area, playground, water play area, intelligent boards, open spaces, and an abundance of trees and flowers. The campus is fully enclosed and secure. It's an ideal, warm environment for early learning and growth.

Important Information

What you need to know

Always At Your Service

Our School Timings -
9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
(Monday to Friday)



Blue skirt and shirt during summer.

Blue pant, shirt, blue scarf, and jacket in winter.


Blue half pant and shirt during summer

Blue pant, shirt, blue cap and jacket in winter.

The color of the shirt is pink for Nursery children, sky blue for LKG children and yellow for UKG class children.

Shoes : Black velcro shoes.

Socks: Blue.

Admission Criteria

Availability of vacant seats

The child should have completed 3 years.

He/She should be physically fit and mentally sound.

Interaction with parents


We Teach With Quality

Student Friendly Environment

Our safe and nurturing environment is at the heart of all we do. Happy children, caring teachers, engaging programs, exceptional facilities all create an extraordinary place for young children to learn and grow.

Our Facilities

Our beautiful campus has state of the art outdoor and indoor play spaces designed to provide the students with the best learning experience. The campus is fully enclosed and secure. It's an ideal, warm environment for early learning and growth.
The classrooms are large enough for group circle time, cooperative games, role play, individual table activities, teacher-directed small group sessions, skill-based learning centers, and project areas. We also have

Art room,

Exploration patio,

Large ventilated classrooms,

Music and movement room,

Resource rooms,

Reading area;

Play area, playground,

Water play area,

Smart boards,



Our Educators

Educators at New Era are qualified, dedicated professional educators. They care about children, value education, and have substantial knowledge of developmentally appropriate practices and early childhood development. All teachers have a passion for working with young children.
Selected teachers go through an intensive training program to understand our teaching philosophy and to be kept updated with the latest trends in teaching and early childhood development.


All experiences are strategically embedded into the day to immerse children in meaningful learning and enhance their understanding of a wide range of concepts in a developmentally appropriate environment. The daily schedule balances time inside and outside the classroom and experiences in our specialty areas.


Parental Responsibility

What Our Parents Should Know

Please notify the staff if your child is going to be absent for any reason.

If the child remains absent due to illness or any other reason for more than 3 days, then parents should inform us in writing.

Parental participation in school activities is highly appreciated. Parent visits and feedback are important and welcome at all times.

School may remain closed during severe weather conditions or any political or social problems/strikes

You are not permitted to talk to the teacher or other staff at the time of dropping/ picking up your child/during school hours . You must take prior appointment by calling the school office or sending a note in the school diary to meet the concerned teacher.

Change in telephone numbers or address should be reported to the office immediately. Your child's safely in the event of an emergency will depend on the accuracy of this information.

Anything that requires our immediate attention has to be notified to the office.

Please check the child's bag for circulars.


Celebrating Birthdays

We celebrate kids' birthdays in our unique style. The child can bring toys, books ,educational aids that will be kept in the child's class. Any kinds of gifts to fellow child/teacher are strictly not permitted. Chocolates are not allowed.



A diary is given to the child primarily to make the communication easy for both parent and teacher. Please read and sign regularly. Every weekend the diary will have some simple activity for the child.


Snacks & Personal Belongings

We believe that children need healthy food for their growth and development; hence snacks that are nutritious are provided from school. With regard to personal belonging of the child the school will not be responsible for any property lost. To avoid such losses make sure that everything that the child carries are properly labeled.


Trip & Picnic

Field trips will be scheduled on specific days. You will be notified well in advance. In case of illness please do not send your child.


We Provide Overall Growth

Scheme of Studies


Creative arts

Mixing colors, scribbling across a blackboard, painting, clay modelling, dance, drama, storytelling engages the child to express their ideas and imaginations.


Fine motor and gross motor coordination

Children are actively involved in a multitude of activities like running, jumping, hopping, balancing, catching, throwing, ascending and descending steps, cutting, colouring, clay modeling, beading, and lacing.


Music and movement

Children naturally love music! They actively participate as they sing, hum and move to nursery rhymes, action songs and play musical instruments.


Readiness Activities

Listening, speaking, reading and writing is the foundation of all learning. We provide a range of exciting activities to help children acquire these skills.


Field trips

Since children learn best through first hand experiences, we organize outdoor field trips like visits to the fire station, zoo, supermarket, aquarium and parks for our young explorers.


Mathematical /language concepts

Through an array of teaching aids, you will see children exploring, manipulating, which in turns develops their observation, matching, classification, sequencing, discrimination, thinking, counting, problem solving, identifying the similarities and differences, speaking, questioning and reasoning.


Science experiences

We engage students in activities that instill a sense of curiosity and an inquiring mind which enables children to explore the world and surroundings.


Our Gallery

A Glimpse of Preschool