I truly believe that having a firm foundation in education is the first step towards building a brighter
youth, who are capable of building a better generation. The education which we seek to offer every
child who comes under our care. As New Era we strive to develop not only the students' skills and
knowledge, but we also seek to nurture their ability to engage and contribute to the community in
the best way possible. From all levels and across all classes, we have developed the most effective
and comprehensive curriculum which provides students with a comprehensive learning venture
which develops their overall personality. One major element which has been introduced in the scope
of education today is innovation, therefore, we have incorporated highly innovative practices in two
aspects of our learning experience, first in the classroom where students learn, and second in the
society where students live. Through our technology centred facilities such as the ATAL Tinkering Lab
our have been able to provide the most innovative solutions to some of the most challenging issues. As
education is an ever changing process, it is important for our educational process to be adaptable so as
to meet the needs of today's times. At New Era we are more the school, we are a family of learning and
it is a pleasure to welcome you to be a part of our family.
Dr. Devanshu J Patel
President, New Era