A Message From The Director

As the director of New Era Senior Secondary School, I have always looked for taking the school to greater heights and have been striving to ensure that “Life learning” is a watch word with all stakeholders. It is a truism that schools must change continually to keep up with the changing environment and such rapid socio economic changes demand a new role from education. Education has to be concerned not only with promoting innovations in its own system, but also with influencing society. If education is to play this role effectively, it has to take a different approach to planning in order to promote innovations and manage change. So instead of thinking about change as an artifact of a strategy, management plan, or any other grand scheme, we decided to create the culture of the school in such a way that change becomes natural.
For this to happen, we have been operating more as communities characterized by collaborative culture. Students’ outcome always depends upon the school climate for which they are committed to. We visualize the emerging issues and future challenges before us and adopt innovative strategies on both academic and administrative processes. As a collaborative stakeholders team, we, the principal, teachers, students and community at large work as partners in the school affairs and contribute effectively for the growth and development of the institution. Inclusion, equal opportunity and simplicity have made this institution, “an institution of par excellence”.
One would easily agree with this, when one visits the website which speaks volumes about what we are and where we wish to be in the near future! In this endeavour, we always are supported by the able management, teachers and our bright students.
You may come to the school on any working day and I shall be glad to show you around.

Mrs Priyadarshini Kelkar
Director, New Era