Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self.” – The Bhagavad Gita...
Plodding on this belief NESSS marked ‘The International Day of Yoga’ (IDY)- 21 June as the day of wellness. The plush green ground of the school was covered with yoga enthusiasts who harmoniously worked to unite the heart, soul and body to celebrate the theme of the ‘IDY -
Yoga for Self and Society’.
The community of students, parents, and staff enthusiastically engaged in various yoga exercises and asanas, experiencing the transformative power of yoga firsthand.
Commemorating this special day, NESSS pledges to integrate yoga into daily lives, promoting health and happiness within the school and beyond. May the spirit of yoga inspire all to nurture compassion, understanding, and unity in the interactions with others and within the society.
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