Fueling Dreams & Igniting Aspirations… NESSS, in collaboration with Parul University, organised a motivational session for SS4 students. Commander Sanjay Sharma and Lt. Commander Gaurav Sharma, from the Armed Forces Motivational Cell (AFMC Officers), propelled the young minds towards serving the Motherland. Their visit sparked enthusiasm among the students for the upcoming National Defense Academy (NDA) Examination (forms to be filled by 9th Jan 2024). They assured students that the journey to clear the NDA examination begins with registration, proper guidance and support at every step which will be rendered by the AFMC department. Encouraged by the vision and enlightened about this career option, some pupils stepped forward for registration, thus marking the beginning of a promising career. #NewEraSeniorSecondarySchool #newerarocks #Nesss #VadodaraNewsOnline #vadodaranews #paruluniversity #armedforcesmotivationalcell