

“The measure of life is not its duration but its donation. Life is a gift, pass it on…Be a Hero, be an organ donor.

NESSS strongly advocates the above statement and hence joined hands with Parul University to spread awareness on ‘Organ Donation’ among the students on 9th August, 2023. The dignitaries, Dr. Komal Patel, Managing Trustee Parul University and NESSS, Prof. Om Prakash, Director Technical Event Cell PU, Team of Institute coordinators Technical Cell - Dr. Jigisha Vaniya, Dr. Priyanka Pradhan, Dr. Nita Vagela sensitized the young minds regarding the importance of Organ Donation. Under their mentorship, a young team of 45 students from PU conducted an awareness Rally and skit to educate the students regarding the myths pertaining for organ donation in the society and the need for organ donation.

 A poster making competition was also organized for students and both the winners as well as the participants were  felicitated with  certificates. The power-packed programme was impactful and left a positive impression on the audience.


#NewEraSeniorSecondarySchool #newerarocks #nesss #paruluniversity #AWARENESSPROGRAMMEONORGANDONATION #vadodaraonlinenews #vadodaranews